容器分厂2006年投建,占地25000平方,主要从事锅筒和容器的制造。拥有作业人员66人,其中焊工20人,占一线生产总人数的31%。车间主要包括30M大型热处理炉、30M射线拍片室、意大利PROMAU S.R.L公司MC040110液压双加持卷板机、DVT500*31/40双柱立式车床、瑞典LAF-635马鞍形自动焊机、立柱式自动焊接操作机、刨边机、喷砂房、TX6213A数显落地铣镗床等; 具有相当规模压力容器产品的生产制造能力,可制造厚度250mm 、重量500吨以内的压力容器,类别可覆盖高压、中压、低压,品种包括换热器、反应器、塔设备、储罐,材料包括镍基合金、铜铝合金、双相不锈钢、钛钢复合板、低温钢、耐热钢。
Pressure vessel workshop, built in 2006 and covers an area of 25000 square meters. It is mainly engaged in the manufacture of steam drum and pressure vessel. There are 66 workers, including 20 welders, accounting for 31% of the total number of front-line production workers. There are about 30 sets of main equipments including 30m heat treatment furnace, 30m RT room, hydraumatic plate rolling machine purchased from PROMAU of Italy, double column vertical lathe, Sweden saddle-shaped automatic welder, vertical automatic welding machine, plate edge planer, shot-blasting room, digital display milling & boring machine. The workshop has quite large manufacturing capability, can do the pressure vessel of 250 mm thickness and 500 tons weight. Its product categories cover high-pressure, medium-pressure and low-pressure, with the main products for heat exchanger, reactor, tower, storage tank, and the materials for nickel-base alloy, copper-aluminum alloy, duplex stainless steel, titanium clad steel plate, low-temperature steel, and heat-resistant steel.